
DAJJAL IS HERE | Al-Masih ad-Dajjal The False Messiah

How dajjal will Rule the world. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal will be known for his one eye and it will be clearly written between his eyes the word K...

Sunday, 18 February 2018

DAJJAL IS HERE | Al-Masih ad-Dajjal The False Messiah

How dajjal will Rule the world. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal will be known for his one eye and it will be clearly written between his eyes the word Kafir.
This Video about Dajjal and how he is going to Rule the world and the lecture is given by a famous Muslim Scholor Imran Nazar Hosein (born 1942) is an Islamic scholar, author and philosopher specializing in Islamic eschatology, world politics, economics, and modern socio-economic/political issues. He is the author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an and other books


Reality of Life is a Channel Spreading Knowledge & Information related to Science and Technology, Inventions, Education, History and Islam. Solely with the purpose of Making the world aware of Reality of Life.
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Saturday, 9 December 2017

History and Importance Of Jerusalem

Jerusalem is home to sacred relics, historic figures and holy sites. Jerusalem is very old city located in Middle East.
Shared by the world's three largest ibrahamic religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Historians figures it out that Jerusalsem is around 4400 years old. This city has been destroyed twice completely.
In this Era the conflict betwwen the Jews and Muslims are at the peak Because of Western Wall and Al Aqsa Mosque.

Holy Site for Jews

1. Western Wall
2. Temple Mount

Holy site for the Christians

1. Calvary
2. Empty Tomb

Holy Site for Muslims

1. AL AQSA MOSQUE ( Harm Al Shareef )
2. Prophet Muhammad SAW Night Journey ( The night of Miraj )
3. First Qibla ( Qibla Awwal )

Army of Imam Mahdi From Khurasan

Army of Imam Mahdi From Khurasan
Imam Mahdi when and where he will appear. This Documentary is about imam Mahdi and about Imam Mehdi arrival in the end times. Imam Mahdi Documentary امام مہدی کا ظہور
when final days approaches and Esa Ibn e Maryam AS will also appear to fight Dajjal
Here it is explained with refrences from Hadiths and Islamic Knowledge of when and how Imam Mahdi will appear. and what will be the situation of the world in that time. Imam Mahdi will be the Last Imam of Muslims in Islam
Clearly it is mentioned that a great war ( world War 3 ) ww3 will be fought. and Essa Ibne Maryam A.S will end up killing Dajjal . and so on


Reality of Life is a Channel Spreading Knowledge & Information related to Science and Technology, Inventions, Education, History and Islam. Solely with the purpose of Making the world aware of Reality of Life.
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Thursday, 7 December 2017

Tayyub Eurdogan Speech about Baitul Muqaddas - Palestine Jerusalem

Tayyub Eurdogan Speech about Baitul Muqaddas - Palestine & Jerusalem
Recent Speech In favor of palestine & Baitul Muqaddas on 07/12/2017


Reality of Life is a Channel Spreading Knowledge & Information related to Science and Technology, Inventions, Education, History and Islam. Solely with the purpose of Making the world aware of Reality of Life.
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Thursday, 30 November 2017

BRT Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit [ KPK Government Project ]

CDIA (City Development Initiatives for Asia) in 2014 provided support to the GoKP to assist with the institutional legislation and framework and link the Peshawar BRT to ADB financing. This was completed in December 2014, this TA (Technical Assistance) provided to GoKP with draft Legislation and supporting documentation for the establishment of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban Mobility Authority (KPUMA) and the TransPeshawar Company (TPC).

As a result of the above the Government of Khyber Pahtunkhwa (GoKP) in order to take a strategic approach to urban development including the introduction of a modern BRT system, has put in place a robust institutional framework. The GoKP has streamlined the institutional framework by passing legislation in the Provincial Assembly establishing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban Mobility Authority (KPUMA) and the TransPeshawar Company (The Urban Mobility Company). KPUMA has province-wide remit and is responsible for the development of policies and regulations, planning, coordination, project preparation and funding for all projects related to urban transport system including mass transit, parking, non-motorised transport (NMT) etc. KPUMA board includes representatives from all major municipal and provincial government agencies. TransPeshawar is intended to be responsible for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project design, procurement, implementation, on-going BRT operations and service contract management. In addition TransPeshawar Company also has its own Board of Directors.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Indian Spy Labeled as Terrorist Must Watch

India Spy caught and he spilled out the truth as he was labeled as terrorist when he refused to work for IB and RAW intellegence,
So he decided to face Media and spill the truth in front of the world as how he was labeled and imposed as a terrorist

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Creation of Israel - [ Jewish State ] - Part 1

with original Footage of Documentary.

In the year of 1881 Jews settlers of Europe decided to find and figure out a solution to the problems of Jews was the idea of a place where they could be safe was within a Jews state. Zinous Jews actually had a design on the land of Arab. The idea of Creating a jews state on the land of Palestine. And that was really the beginning of the conflict