
DAJJAL IS HERE | Al-Masih ad-Dajjal The False Messiah

How dajjal will Rule the world. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal will be known for his one eye and it will be clearly written between his eyes the word K...

Thursday, 9 November 2017

First Human on Earth

First Human of Earth. First Prophet of Allah. Prophet Adam A.s Part of a Series of Videos based on Islamic Knowledge.

Mostly all of the 4 major Religions believes Adam to be the first human and Messenger on earth. Here is also mentioned that how the earth was cleansed from the foul devils and Jins How and Why Iblis (Satan) refused to do a sajda to prophet Adam A.S as Allah commanded all the angles to do so but he refused. and how and what mistake did Adam A.S committed that he was exiled from Paradise ( Jannah )

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