
DAJJAL IS HERE | Al-Masih ad-Dajjal The False Messiah

How dajjal will Rule the world. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal will be known for his one eye and it will be clearly written between his eyes the word K...

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Imam Mahdi Arrival Signs 2018 Documentary امام مہدی کا ظہور |

This Documentary is about Imam Mahdi and about his arrival in the #endtimes. Here explained with refrences from Hadiths and Islamic Knowledge of when and how #Imammahdi will appear. and what will be the situation of the world in that time.

Clearly it is mentioned that a great war
#ww3 will be fought. and Esa Ibne Maryam will end up killing #Dajjal

Reality of Life .

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